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Prosecutor General Shotadze Resigns

ირაკლი შოთაძე
23.05.24 13:00

Irakli Shotadze, the General Prosecutor of Georgia, has announced his resignation due to health concerns. In a statement released by Shotadze, he explained that he is stepping down based on medical advice and the need for extensive treatment abroad.

According to him, he has to take the most difficult decision, taking into account the recommendations of doctors. As Shotadze mentioned, the treatment process will probably last several months and he has been abroad for more than a week for this purpose. According to him, he has already submitted his resignation application to the Parliament.

"Due to the complicated health condition, I have made a decision to leave the position of the Prosecutor General of Georgia. I have to make the most difficult decision for me, taking into account the recommendations of the doctors. The treatment process will probably last several months, and I have been abroad for more than a week for this purpose. Therefore, given the current situation, it is impossible to continue performing the powers of the Prosecutor General. This is why I have already submitted my resignation application to the Parliament of Georgia.

It is the fifth year that I have held the position of the Prosecutor General of Georgia, and I have been working in public service in general since 2005. It is a great honor for me to be in the service of my country and I am proud of the contribution that we have made with my colleagues over the years to the reform and development of the Prosecutor's Office, the fight against crime and the modification of the criminal justice policy. In terms of reforms, the strengthening of the institutional independence of the Prosecutor's Office is particularly noteworthy, as a result of which the Prosecutor's Office of Georgia was transformed from a sub-departmental institution of the Ministry of Justice into an independent institution”, reads the statement.

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