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BMG Introduces New Project – Weekly English TV-show “The Checkpoints”

Tamta Jijavadze
11.07.20 18:48

Business Media Georgia introduces the first TV-show ever on business and economics in English in the Georgian media space. “The Checkpoints” will air every Sunday via the BMG & Forbes web and social media pages, at 22:00 pm. The tv-show will be hosted by Giorgi Isakadze, editor-in-chief of Forbes Georgia and Elene Kvanchilashvili, Executive Editor of Forbes Georgia.

TV-show “The Checkpoints” summarizes the highlights of the week, covering every key event in business and economics for English-speaking viewers. This TV-show serves to give more recognition to Georgian business industries and help them expand their boundaries in Georgia, as well as abroad.

“This is the first project, by which we will start another new stage in business media development. These are our ambitions for international expansion, to enter new markets... COVID has hindered us as well, but as you see only temporarily,” - Elene Kvanchilashvili, co-host of The Checkpoints notes.

A weekly TV-show in English will give anyone the opportunity to receive objective information regarding the events in Georgia.

“Initially, we shared the idea with our partners and donors. Accredited diplomats expressed their interest in the project by offering support. The project has been accepted by the IFI as well,” - Giorgi Isakadze notes.

The project is fully prepared by the BMG team.

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