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Rail Freight Down in Georgia

Rail freight
18.08.23 13:53

Rail transported freight value in Georgia in the second quarter of 2023 amounted to 3.5 mln. tons, which is 8.2 percent less than the same indicator of corresponding period previous year and of
which 10.7 percent represents national, 31.2 percent - international (excluded transit) and 58.1
percent - transit, the National Statistics Office of Georgia (GeoStat) says Friday.

The share of outgoing freight value in Q2 represents 29.2 percent in the total railway transported freights while share of incoming goods represents 70.8 percent.

The sender country for 53.2 percent of total incoming freight value is Russian Federation, for 26.7 percent - Azerbaijan, for 3.3 percent – Turkmenistan, for 2.6 percent - Romania, for 2.3 percent - Turkey, for 1.0 percent – China, for 1.0 percent – Belarus, 0.5 percent- Kazakhstan.

The country of final destination for 20.0 percent of total outgoing freight value is Kazakhstan, for 11.5 percent – the Armenia, for 8.5 percent – Russian Federation and for 4.3 percent – Azerbaijan.

In the second quarter of 2023 Turkey is the final destination country for 11.3 percent of the
total transit freight value, Netherlands - for 7.7 percent, Italy - for 6.0 percent and China - for 6.0
percent. In the same period Brazil is sender country for 8.9 percent of the total transit freight
value, China - for 3.5 percent, Turkey - for 2.1 percent, United States of America - for 1.7 percent.

In reporting period 29.6 percent of the total freight value is coal, crude oil and oil products
and natural gas, 23.6 percent - metal ores and other mining and quarrying products, 14.1 percent
- food products, beverages and tobacco.

The distribution by type of goods is different in the case of national transported freights,
where 57.2 percent is metal ores and other mining and quarrying products, 15.9 percent - other nonmetallic mineral products, 12.2 percent - coal and lignite; crude petroleum and natural gas.

As for international transported freights incoming goods mainly are coal, crude oil and oil
products and natural gas (42.8 percent), other nonmetallic mineral products (24.9 percent) and
Coke and refined petroleum products (9.1 percent), while outgoing goods mainly are metal ores and other mining and quarrying products; peat; uranium and thorium or (54.4 percent), food products, beverages and tobacco (22.8 percent), Basic metals; fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment (8.7 percent), products of agriculture (5.7 percent).

In the second quarter of 2023, 70.0 percent of the total volume of transit freight value comes
on three type of goods, in particular coal, crude oil and oil products and natural gas (32.4 percent),
metal ores and other mining and quarrying products (19.0 percent) and food products, beverages
and tobacco (18.6 percent).

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