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Reform Of State-Owned Enterprises Is Timely - United Airports Of Georgia

Natia Taktakishvili
26.10.21 15:00
Tamar Archuadze, head of United Airports Of Georgia considers, that reforming of United Airports Of Georgia is timely within the frame of Reform Of State-Owned Enterprises.

Archuadze declares, despite the sharp recovery of the Georgian aviation sector, it will be returned to the pre-pandemic level in 2023.

“A large enterprise such as United Airports Of Georgia should be managed properly and our structure must be in line with international corporate governance standards. We are very pleased to have been selected as the first company from the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, which has been evaluated by the World Bank and a relevant conclusion has been made about our structure.

Consequently, the positive thing that has been mentioned is that we already have a supervisory board, we are staffed with professionals and the Union has the mechanisms that are needed for quality management of aviation safety, control of aviation security and public procurement.

Aviation is a very growing sector. Although the pandemic has hit us hard, recovery dynamics are clear. We predict that the sector will return to the pre-pandemic level in 2023. So, this reform is quite timely”, said Tamar Archuadze.

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