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Shares of French companies operating in Gabon down in Paris stock exchange after military coup

30.08.23 15:30

The shares of three French companies plummeted in the Paris stock exchange on Wednesday in the wake of a military coup in Gabon, where they were operating.

Maurel & Prom, Eramet, and TotalEnergies Gabon subsidiary fell by 15% to 20%, according to French financial daily Les Echos.

The mining company Eramet earlier announced that it halted its operations as well as the train transport in Gabon.

A group of senior Gabonese army officers appeared on national television early Wednesday and announced that they had seized power in the Central African country.

The move came shortly after the Gabonese Election Center confirmed that incumbent President Ali Bongo officially won a third term as president with 64.27% of the votes, AA reports.

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