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Sheep Exports From Georgia Up By 66%

Natiko Taktakishvili
31.08.23 19:00

Sheep exports from Georgia increased. In 7 months, USD 15.3 million worth of live sheep and goats were exported from the country, while in the same period of 2022, USD 9.2 million worth of sheep were taken to the exporting markets.

The list of export markets has been changed and expanded.

This year, the largest volume of exports was made to Azerbaijan. In addition, Egypt and Jordan are no longer among the exporting markets, where sheep worth 1.19 million and USD 1.1 million were exported in 7M2022.

Georgian Sheep Exporting Markets In 7M2023

Azerbaijan - USD 6.35 million 
Saudi Arabia - USD 4.70 million 
Iraq - USD 2 million 
Kuwait - USD 1.07 million 
Qatar - USD 0.70 million 
United Arab Emirates - USD 0.43 million 
Iran - USD 0.033 million

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