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Shipping Costs Are Doubled, Which Affects The Product Prices - ICR

Natiko Taktakishvili
16.01.24 17:00

Products, entering from Asian countries to Georgia through the Suez Canalmay, might become more expensive. Price growth might affect construction materials, household appliances and clothes as well.

Importers of clothes will also have to adjust their prices from the next month. The founder of the company ICR says that the cost of transportation has already increased by 150%, which is a heavy burden.

According to Kakha Khazaradze, the railway cannot be an alternative to maritime transport, because the cost is the same in both cases.

"The increase in the cost of transportation is already reflected in the prices of the products. At this stage, spring-summer orders are being loaded. The cost of transportation has increased by 150%, if a 40-pound container used to cost over $2,000, now it costs $5,000-5,500, maybe even $6,000. As a result, shipping costs will rise to 40% on average. This growth is reflected in the price. If we reflect this directly proportionally in the prices, we have another problem: how much we will sell this product. So far, it's a period of discounts and we've had it for a month. Accordingly, it is difficult for me to say what effect this will have on the prices, "says Kakha Khazaradze, head of "ICR" company.

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