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There was no crisis management, it was business bullying – Restaurant

Natia Taktakishvili
19.02.21 14:30
Meriko Gubeladze, the founder of the restaurant "Black Lion", negatively assigns Giorgi Gakharia’s crisis management amid the pandemic.

According to her, meetings with members of the government more looked like bullying than crisis management.

"I met Giorgi Gakharia in person once. Basically, meetings were held with the Ministry of Economy. I think they are leading this process very badly. I think this is bullying from the state because the restaurants are practically closed. They did not pay for anything at all and they even could not ensure not to seal the facilities during such difficult times. Crisis management was very weak in our business sector. There was no management. It was business bullying and not management.

As for the country, I cannot say that there has been good crisis management. We suffered a lot and if something bad could happen in the country, it happened. I cannot really say that the crisis was well managed", said Meriko Gubeladze.

She cannot recall the specific decision made by Giorgi Gakharia, which had a positive impact on the sector.

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