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Today We Are The Only Island Of Peace In The Region - Speaker

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Precisely because Georgian Dream did not put anyone's interest above the interests of the Georgian people, today we are the only island of peace in the region engulfed in flames, - the member of the political council of Georgian Dream, the Chairman of the Parliament, Shalva Papuashvili said at the briefing.

According to him, on October 26, citizens will have the easiest and clearest choice, because "the choice is between war and peace, destruction and progress, the war party and the peace party."

"Recently, we see the changed rhetoric of the radical opposition in relation to the policy of not imposing sanctions on Russia by the Georgian authorities. People who have sowed hysteria reaching the level of xenophobia, today talk about the wine and apple trade with Russia and the benefits received from Russian tourists. This tactic of the opposition is not new, it is their method and rule.

With the elections approaching, the moment has come when they will have to leave their Facebook pages, come out of their television studios and talk to the people.

And should it be surprising that the Kakhetians demand an answer from the opposition for cursing wine? Should it be surprising that the Adjarians demand an answer from the opposition for throwing eggs at tourists? Should it be surprising that Georgians who have family members in Russia demand an answer from the opposition for picketing the airport? Finally, in whatever city, village, and district they come to, is it any wonder that they will be held accountable for sacrificing people to war, destruction, and death?

They have already received the first wave of people's anger these days. They saw that people support the prudent policy of the government, and that is why everyone, who were pushing us to the war, now talk about peace, everyone who promised to put Georgian peasants and entrepreneurs on the path to bankruptcy, today talk about trade with Russia.

But the Georgian people have recognized their hypocritical face for a long time. The last two years have been the best illustration of where the opposition stands at critical moments. Time has proven that the opposition and their non-governmental organizations did not take the side of the Georgian people at any fateful moment. Every time they looked not at what our people needed, but at what others needed.

Therefore, everyone has been convinced that one thing is guaranteed, if the opposition is able to seize even one gram of power, Georgia will return to the chaos of wars and destruction, from which, as soon as we freed this country, we created a 12-year period of continuous peace and gave the people the opportunity to breathe and develop.

Today, the opposition and their NGOs no longer want to remember where they were pushing this country in the first days after the war in Ukraine, although the history of their betrayal is preserved in public archives, and two years is not such a long time that people would forgot it. We all remember what their vision of helping Ukraine in exchange for the destruction of Georgia consisted of, the draft laws and resolutions initiated by them, which are still in the Parliament today and have not been withdrawn, are a proof of this”, said Papuashvili.

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