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TOP-10 Companies By FDI In Energy Sector In 1Q24


The largest volume of FDI was made in the energy sector in 1Q24. USD 78.7 million out of 201 million FDI accounted for the energy sector, which exceeded by USD 14 million compared to 1Q23.

In the first three months, the largest energy investment was made from the Czech Republic.

Countries By The Largest Volume of FDI:

Czech Republic - USD 38.2 million;
Netherlands - USD 15.2 million;
Turkey - USD 4.4 million;
Luxembourg - USD 1.6 million;
Israel - USD 66 thousand.

From the rest of the countries, a total of USD 19 million of FDI was made.

TOP-10 Companies by FDI in the Energy Sector:

JSC Telas
Tbilisi Energy Ltd
JSC Energo-pro Georgia
JSC Sakorggaz
Ltd. Vartsikhe 2005
JSC Khramhes II
LLC S G Gas Company Ltd
Adjar Energy-2007 Ltd
Mtkvari Holding Ltd
JSC EP Georgia Generation

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