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UEFA Fines Georgian National Football Federation


UEFA fines the Georgian National Football Federation EUR 30,000, while Turkey - EUR 25,000, after the confrontation between Georgian and Turkish fans at the stadium before the match.

UEFA has also fined its tournament co-organizer Germany for failing to stop selfie-seekers from coming onto the field to get photos taken with Cristiano Ronaldo at the European Championship.

This was not the only penalty for fan behavior. Other countries' fine statistics are as follows:

Serbia - 2 fines of 68,625 and 60,000 Euros;
Croatia - 63,875 Euros;
Austria - 57,375 Euros;
England - 10,000 Euros;
Romania - 10,000 Euros.

Fines were issued for various violations, including disrupting the performance of the national anthem.

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