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"Volvo Car Georgia" Finished 2023 With 25% Growth

ვოლვოს ცენტრი
Natiko Taktakishvili
09.02.24 17:00

"Volvo Car Georgia" finished 2023 with great success, the company had a 25% increase and sold 200 vehicles in total.

The company starts 2024 with good news as well, Volvo EX30 will appear on the Georgian market late in June, which means that the car will be available for Georgian customers very soon. Maka Sakhvadze, director of "Volvo Car Georgia" declares, that Volvo EX30 is a relatively compact car, which will be presented in the market at a very affordable price. The starting price of the car is 39,000 Euros.

It should be noted that the VOLVO EX30 from the Volvo category is the fastest car in the history of the company.

"VOLVO EX30 will be available to Georgian customers in the new showroom of "Volvo Car Georgia" late in June. Pre-sales have already started. This means that our customers have full confidence in us. This motivates us to offer them even more news.

In 2024, we have even more ambitious plans. We are planning to increase sales by about 50%. In addition to the Volvo EX30, by the end of the year we are offering customers the largest electric car in the model line - the Volvo EX90, which we think will be the flagship in electric car sales," - Maka Sakhvadze said.

"Volvo Car Caucasus", part of "Tegeta Cars", is the official importer of the Swedish brand "Volvo" in Transcaucasia and Central Asia. The company is an exclusive supplier of premium-class cars in Georgia, Uzbekistan, Armenia and Azerbaijan. Kazakhstan was added to these destinations last year. The company will actively work on market utilization and development in 2024.

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