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"Volvo Car Georgia" Opened A New Concept Showroom In Tbilisi

Natiko Taktakishvili
12.12.23 14:00

"Volvo Car Georgia" opened a new showroom on University Street in Tbilisi with the support of TBC Group. The company invested GEL 15 million in the project.

"Volvo Car Georgia's" new showroom, located on 1200 square meters, combines exhibition and service spaces.

A large selection of accessories is represented in the showroom, along with the cars. In addition, customers can enjoy test drives, if they wish.

325-watt solar panels are installed on the showroom's roof, generating 442,500 kilowatts of electricity per year.

Charging stations for electric cars were arranged in the parking lot of the showroom, located on 1500 square meters.

A part of the service center was also built according to international standards, combining all the technical services needed for the car.

"Volvo Car Georgia's" service center is the first location in the Caucasus region, which was created with the concept of VRE (Volvo Retail Experience) and is similar to the Swedish showrooms.

"We have been the official representatives of Volvo Cars from 2019, and today we completed an unprecedented project by opening the first innovative VRE showroom of Volvo in the region", - Gaga Kokhreidze, Director of "Volvo Cars Caucasus" said.

Volvo Car Caucasus, a subsidiary of Tegeta Holding, covers Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The company plans to open new showrooms in other countries of the region as well.

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