Giorgi Abramishvili, co-founder of DATA CENTER SOLUTIONS, urges the business for unity. As he stated in a special broadcast of “Business Weekly”, the business community should understand its role in the country more, and the government should fulfill the orders of both businesses and citizens.
“We should get out of this post-Soviet syndrome, we must understand that we are creating wealth in this country with our taxes of 27 billion. Business solves the problems of its citizens, and so the business is not the vassal of the government.
We are first and foremost creators and everything loses its meaning, what is the point when they take away our dignity, take away our freedom? No amount of money and prosperity can outweigh this. I think the main thing is to unite and set an example for everyone, for the rest of the business. We have this power, this country is ours, not the government’s, and we should not be their vassals.
The solution is ultimately that new elections should be held,” Abramishvili said.