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We Attracted 20 Companies, Created 6,000 Jobs, And The Number Of Investments Reached GEL 1 BLN - Khidureli

მიხეილ ხიდურელი

The Enterprise Georgia agency presented its INVEST IN GEORGIA report. Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Levan Davitashvili opened the event.

The report presented by the agency’s head, Mikheil Khidureli, highlights outcomes, including 25 international projects, the creation of 6,000 new jobs, and a billion GEL in investments. Khidureli emphasized that these results surpassed the agency’s 2020-developed strategy.

“We attracted 20 companies, created 6,000 jobs, and the number of investments we attracted in specific sectors reached 1 billion GEL. I would emphasize that this is not the country’s investment statistics; it is the agency’s target indicator,” he said.

In addition, Enterprise Georgia announced that within the three-year strategy, INVEST IN GEORGIA developed a list of potential investor companies. The agency engaged with over 2,700 companies, conducting more than 300 meetings.

Enterprise Georgia’s state FDI grant program was highlighted as a crucial element of the investment strategy. The program allows international companies to receive up to a 15% return on invested amounts.

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