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We Will Have Significantly Improved Services In Clinics Soon - Minister

Natia Taktakishvili
20.03.23 17:11
Minister of Health declares, that very soon the quality of service in clinics operating in Georgia will improve significantly.

Zurab Azarashvili announced this after the government meeting, in order to improve the quality of medical services while talking about approving the updated permit conditions for inpatient facilities.

According to the Minister of Health, all clinics will have the obligation to meet the service quality standard from 2025.

"In terms of increasing the quality of services of clinics, one of the most important things is the determination of the quality standard in various directions. In the previous period, we defined it for ICUs, now we define it for surgery, and gradually all directions will have their own standards, both in terms of room arrangement, equipment and various components, and from 2025 we will have an obligation for all clinics involved in the universal health care program to meet international standards. We are following the plan set in this direction and I think very soon we will have significantly improved services in the clinics", said Azarashvili.

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