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We Will Have To Increase Product Price From The Next Year - Donkey Farm "Sakhe-Dari"


Temur Lominadze, founder of Donkey Farm "Sakhe-Dari" declares, that product prices will increase by 10-15% from the next year due to the increased expenditures.

"Everything has become more expensive in the country, including food products and the labor force. 5 years ago, 1 piece of 20 kg hay cost GEL 3, but now its price starts from GEL 5.

Currently, we employ 4 people on the farm, who take care of the 100 donkeys on the farm. I buy donkeys of the best breed to improve the amount of milk," Lomidze said.

According to him, the demand for donkey milk in the domestic market has increased by 30-35%.

Donkey Farm "Shakhe-Dari" was established in 2016 in the village of Saakadze, Gardabani district, on an area of 20-30 hectares, and produces 700-800 liters of donkey milk annually. The farm has three main directions - cosmetic, health and nutrition.

In the local market, 1 liter of donkey milk costs GEL 70, and 1 kg of cheese costs GEL 1500. The cost of soaps is GEL 20, while the price of 1 gram of face cream is GEL 1.

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