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Ambassador: the attachés on economics should demonstrate the best of Georgia’s potential

12.03.18 10:20
According to Pscal Meunier, French Ambassador in Georgia, attachés on economics appointed in different countries should fill the informational gap for investors in these countries. The Ambassador states that investors in France show particular interest towards Georgian wine.

“Increase of trade turnover is mainly provided by private sector and individual producers, however, if the country wishes to advance, involvement of state institutions in these processes is necessary. Commercial attachés will be able to more effectively and timely provide foreign investors with information on economic possibilities in Georgia. When we talk about improvement of economic relations, I means trade direction in the first place and from this point of view, it is obvious that agriculture holds the leading position in terms of interest from the French side.

To be more specific, we are interested in wine and its export potential from Georgia to France. Georgian wine managed to earn very good reputation in France and, let me tell you, this product is very competitive on our market. Going back to the issues of attachés, I think these people should fill the still existing informational gaps and provide with specific information on economic issues. These people should simplify the processes for foreign investors and best demonstrate Georgia’s potential in terms of economic relations,” – states the Ambassador.