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10% Of Country's GDP Was Spent On Public Procurement Last Year

Natia Taktakishvili
16.05.22 16:00
Last year, 10% of the country's GDP was spent on public procurement. According to the 2021 report of the State Procurement Agency, products worth of GEL 5,754,188,526 were procured through electronic and consolidated tenders in 2021.

Although expenditures on public procurement have increased and exceeded the pre-pandemic rate of GEL 5.3 billion, expenditures against GDP have declined. In particular, if 11% of GDP was spent in 2019, in 2020 - the rate stood at 10.4% and in 2021, the rate equaled to 10% of GDP.

Funds for public procurement are also growing. Compared to 2011, the government spends twice as much on public procurement.

Total Values Of Public Procurement Contracts By Years

• 2011 - GEL 2.66 billion
• 2012 – GEL 2.77 billion
• 2013 - GEL2.79 billion
• 2014 - GEL 2.85 billion
• 2015 - GEL 3.20 billion
• 2016 – GEL 4.92 billion
• 2017 – GEL 3.65 billion
• 2018 – GEL 4.09 billion
• 2019 - GEL 5.33 billion
• 2020 - GEL 5.14 billion
• 2021 - GEL 5.75 billion

Last year, the total value of contracts concluded on the basis of simplified procurement amounted to 18% of total procurement - GEL 1,052,419,113.

Nearly half of the simplified procurement was spent on goods and services needed to manage the Coronavirus pandemic, as well as agricultural subsidies and procurements worth less than USD 5,000.

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