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2024 budget would have GEL 90 MLN For Addressing Natural Disaster Consequences - Kakauridze

გიორგი კაკაურიძე
11.10.23 16:00

Georgian Deputy Finance Minister Giorgi Kakauridze on Wednesday told a session of the Sectoral Economy and Economic Policy Committee of the Parliament that next year's budget would have GEL90 million to combat consequences of natural disasters.

Before the dedicated funds are allocated, money will be spent from the Reserve Fund of the Government to address accommodation for families displaced by the floods and landslides in Georgia's western Guria region last month.

"We know that there are more than 300 confirmed cases in Guria, although there may be more. The budget has not been signed yet, it will probably be published today or tomorrow, and we will already be able to allocate funds to municipalities and the municipalities will support these people”, he said.

Kakauridze added the manner of compensation would be decided during talks between the affected families and municipalities, with options including purchase of new flats for families, the displaced citizens buying apartments through their own effort, or compensation payouts.

Giorgi Urushadze, the State Representative in the region, last month said over 1,200 families had received humanitarian aid, 218 people had been transferred to temporary hotels from the affected zones and 514 families had been evacuated to safe locations following the natural disasters.

He said geologists had inspected 643 houses and submitted negative reports on 306, qualifying their owners for provision of alternate accommodation. 

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