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Business Can't Develop in Unstable Business Environment - Rezo Vashakidze

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Business sentiments have changed taking into account the current processes. According to Rezo Vashakidze, the founder of the company "Chirina", Europe brings stable environments for businesses. He notes that the change of political path by the Georgian government puts the country in destabilization, which already has an immediate effect.

Aa of Rezo Vashakidze, if the feeling of stability disappears, business development in the country will lose its meaning.

"I left Georgia with my family in the 90s. Because, even then, there was complete uncertainty, people were running with guns. I returned to Georgia between 2006-2007, because the country was aspiring to Europe. Europe brings stability for businesses. After that, I decided to invest about USD 150 million in Georgia in a rather short period of time. But, this is what has been happening in recent years, it causes uncertainty for me.

It also makes me unstable. I can't say that now I have decided to stop the business and leave Georgia, but this might also happen. Because if there is no stability in the country, then it is unnecessary to talk about business development," says Rezo Vashakidze, the founder of "Chirina".

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