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Data on the growth of the construction sector in EAEU countries published

Arshaluis Mgdesyan
24.05.24 17:45

The Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) has presented a report for 2024 containing data on the volume of construction work in EAEU countries for January-March.

According to the report, the volume of construction work in EAEU countries increased by 4.3% in January-March 2024 compared to the same period last year.

During the reviewed period, all EAEU countries saw an increase in the volume of construction work compared to the previous year.

The highest growth was observed in Kyrgyzstan, with an increase of 33.8%. Kazakhstan took second place with a growth of 15.9%. In Belarus, the volume of construction work increased by 9.2%, in Armenia by 6.2%, and in Russia by 3.5%.

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