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Most Expensive Properties That The Gov't Sold This Year


The National State Property Agency received GEL 142 million income from privatization in 1H2024, from which it contributed GEL 97 million to the state budget.

BMG requested information from the agency about the most expensive properties that were sold through auctions this year.

According to the provided information, land ara of 65,402 sq.m. located on Sarajishvili Street in Tbilisi ranks first. The land plot, which was purchased by the development company Yonfash Georgia LLC and paid GEL 34.2 million.

Land area of 3299 square meter locatd on Ketevan Dedopli Avenue in Tbilis was sold for GEL 6.5 million. Company "Tibini Development" purchased the real estate. The property ranks the second in the lsit of most expensive properties that the gov't sold this year.

The 3rd place is occpided by the land plot of 9794 square meters, locted in Tbilisi near Mamisaishvili Street (Varketili), which was purchased by Mshenebeli Tbilisi for GEL 2.2 million. The results of the auctions show that Tbilisi real estate market enjoys the greatest interest from investors.

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