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Number Of Georgian Exporting Companies To The EU Up By 78% - Genadi Arveladze

ეკონომიკის სამინისტრო

The Deputy Minister of Economy Genadi Arveladze declares, that the number of exporting companies in the European Union increased by 78% after 2014. Genadi Arveladze announced this at the joint session of the European Integration and Sectoral Economy and Economic Policy Committees in the Parliament, while speaking about the obligations stipulated by the "Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area Agreement (DCFTA)" between Georgia and the European Union.

"In 2014, when the DCFTA came into force, the local export to the EU, made up USD 407 million, while by the end of 2023 it stood at USD 576 million. Accordingly, there was a 42% increase. The share of local exports to the EU, which was 68% in 2014, has increased to 82% by 2024.

The number of exporting companies in the European Union has exceeded 1006, if we compare it to 2014, we have a 78% increase ", Gennadi Arveladze noted.

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