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Physical Violence, Arrests, Repressions - GYLA on the adoption of the Law "on Foreign Influence"


Within 2 months from the introduction of the Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence to its adoption, gross violations of the freedom of assembly were reported; systemic violence by law enforcement officers; incitement to violence by high political officials; instrumentalization of criminal and administrative legal mechanisms to intimidate protest participants, - reads the special report "Georgia: Human Rights in the Face of the "Russian Law" of the Georgian Young Lawyers Association.

According to the report, participants of the rally, protest supporters, civil activists, journalists, politicians and their family members (including children and elderly family members) were intimidated, and various methods of psychological violence and physical violence were used against them.

According to the report, "repressions against demonstrators, representatives of civil society and activists are organized by high-ranking representatives of the state, which was confirmed on May 31 of this year as a result of the public post of Dimitri Samkharadze, a member of the parliamentary majority."

"The report reviews the violent methods through which the government had been trying to narrow the civil space in Georgia during the 2 months from the initiation of the bill to its adoption. There have been: gross violations of freedom of assembly; systematic violence by law enforcement officers; incitement to violence by high political officials; instrumentalization of criminal and administrative legal mechanisms to intimidate protest participants; intimidation of rally participants, protest supporters, civil activists, journalists, politicians and their family members (including children and elderly family members), using various methods of psychological violence and physical violence against them”, reads the report.

The Georgian Young Lawyers Association continues to document rights violations and protect the affected persons.

"Tee Georgian Young Lawyers Association, based on the evidence, will reveal and provide information to the public about facts that undermine the constitutional principles of a democratic, legal and social state," reads the report.

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