The founder of Netgazeti and Batumelebi media outlets, Mzia Amaglobeli, will be transferred today from the Vivamedi clinic to a penitentiary facility, the Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association (GYLA) said in a statement.
Additionally, according to GYLA, Mzia Amaglobeli wishes to personally participate, along with her lawyers, in the court hearing scheduled for March 4 at the Batumi City Court.
“Mzia Amaglobeli will be transferred today from the Vivamedi clinic to a penitentiary facility, which was her own wish both during her hunger strike and now. She also wishes to personally participate, together with her lawyers, in the court hearing scheduled for March 4 at the Batumi City Court,” GYLA stated.
The founder of Batumelebi and Netgazeti media outlets, Mzia Amaglobeli, was hospitalized on February 4. On February 18, she announced in a letter that she decided to end her 38-day-long hunger strike. Mzia Amaglobeli, who was detained on charges of attacking a police officer, was sentenced to pre-trial detention by the Batumi City Court on January 14.