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The increase in the number of real estate rental transactions has been recorded in Armenia

Arshaluis Mgdesyan
29.04.24 17:43

According to data from the Cadastre Committee, the number of real estate rental transactions in Armenia continues to increase.

According to market analysis data published by the Cadastre Committee of Armenia, in the first quarter of this year, it increased by 21.3 percent. This growth is particularly noticeable in the country's capital, where rental transactions have increased by 46 percent.

This significant increase may be associated with changes in legislation. As of January 1 of this year, new regulations have come into force, according to which the conclusion of the corresponding agreement and payment of income tax are required for renting out property. Now violators of this rule are subject to a fine.

In addition to Yerevan, an increase in rental transactions has also been noted in the regions of Lori, Aragatsotn, Armavir, and Kotayk.

The largest number of rental transactions involves buildings and plots of land designated for public use.

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