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The Secretariat of EaP Road Safety Observatory Will Be Placed in Georgia

07.06.21 18:00
In Georgia, the Secretary of the EU Eastern Partnership Regional Project – Road Safety Observatory will be placed. Georgia won in the call for the expression of interest of becoming the host of the above-mentioned organization which was launched by the European Commission in February 2021.
The project of Eastern Partnership Road Safety Observatory (EaP RSO) envisages establishing an integrated analytical platform/center, where specialized information concerning the road safety practice, policy, and statistical data will be gathered from each Eastern Partnership member country (Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Moldova). The main purpose of this observatory is to promote in the Eastern Partnership Countries road safety situation based on the best European and international experience and analysis based approach.

The Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia presented an application on the expression of interest in the European Commission, which supported the consortium of the Policy Institute of International School of Economics (ISET) of Tbilisi State University and international non-governmental organization EASST (The Eastern Alliance for Safe and Sustainable Transport). In the call for expression of interest announced by the European Commission, Moldova and Ukraine also participated.
Being the host of the Eastern Partnership Road Safety Observatory (EaP RSO) has utmost importance for the country and the region, which is going to improve the road safety situation.
The above said somehow represents the recognition of the successful policy and practice, which are being carried out on the national level in Georgia for the past years. Hosting this platform, Georgia is going to become an analytical center on the regional level in the road safety sphere as well.

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