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US responds to meeting of Foreign Ministers of Armenia, Russia, Azerbaijan, Turkey and Iran in Tehran

სახელმწიფო დეპარტამენტი აშშ სახდეპი
24.10.23 10:49

US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller commented on the meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Armenia, Russia, Azerbaijan, Turkey and Iran in Tehran on Monday.

"With respect to the Armenia-Azerbaijan question, we welcome any good-faith engagements that contribute to peace and stability for the people of the South Caucasus regardless of where those talks happen or who is hosting them,' Miller said.

He added: 'But that being said, we recognize the South Caucasus’ delicate geographic position regarding Iran and Russia, but we have not found these countries to be reliable partners, to understate matters.'

At the end of the five-party meeting, the Ministers issued a joint statement emphasizing the importance of peaceful settlement of conflicts, sovereignty and non-interference in internal affairs. They also agreed to strengthen bilateral and multilateral interaction for peace and economic development, welcoming the processes of normalization and development of relations between countries in the region, ARKA reports.

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