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World Bank raises Armenia's 2024 economic growth forecast by 0.8%

world bank
Arshaluis Mgdesyan
12.06.24 14:45

According to the June report by the World Bank titled "Global Economic Prospects, June 2024," Armenia's economy is expected to grow by 5.5% in 2024.

This is an improvement compared to the forecast published in January last year, when the World Bank predicted a growth rate of 4.7% for 2024. Thus, the forecast has been revised upwards by 0.8%.

Additionally, in the new report, World Bank analysts forecast Armenia's GDP growth to be 4.9% in 2025 (0.4% higher than the January forecast) and 4.5% in 2026.

Armenia's economic growth in the state budget for 2024 is projected at 7%, with inflation set at 4% (±1.5%). The Central Bank of Armenia expects the country's economic growth in 2024 to be between 6.1% and 6.8%.

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