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EU-Georgia Business Forum 2022

03.07.22 11:41
About a week ago the European Business Association (EBA) with the support of the European Union organized the “EU-Georgia Business Forum 2022” for the very first time.

The forum was attended by over 200 people, including the EU Ambassador to Georgia Carl Hartzell, representatives of the Georgian Parliament, Government, Business Support Organizations, European Businesses from different sectors, Diplomatic Corps, International Organizations and Financial Institutions. A specially arranged space was dedicated to B2B meetings between forum participants. The Trade show of products of successful European companies also took place at the same time.

The forum featured the presentation of the EU Business Climate Report 2022, prepared by the European Business Association that summarizes the future steps of the country's development and assesses the reforms from the perspective of both public and private sector representatives. In addition, the European Business Association presented to the audience the concept of the European Economic Cooperation Platform (EECP) as a unique mechanism to strengthen cooperation between business sector associations.

A conversation with John Braeckeveldt, CEO of EBA on the meaning of EU candidate status for Georgia and more.

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