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Weekly Business News & Outlook

30.04.23 13:30
Weekly Business News & Outlook:
  • Two Real Buyers Are Already Interested In The Penthouses – “Block Group”;
  • “Calvin Klein Georgia” and “Dressup” signed an agreement;
  • Tourists From Neighboring Countries To Attend The Concerts At Black Sea Arena – “Art Travel”;
  • A Perfume Named After The Founder Of "Lutecia" Was Created;
  • 97% Of Shopping Mall Space Is Loaded – “Gldani Mall”;
  • The official uniform of Napoli is sold exclusively on "Veli.Sotre”;
  • We Are Almost Ready to Receive 5G Frequency – “Silk Road Group”;
  • Wine Cellar “Vellino” To Add Wine Testing and Restaurant Space;
Natia Taktakishvili, BMG Reporter;

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