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Weekly Business News & Outlook

Weekly Business News & Outlook

  • Premium International Brand Restaurants To Be Opened In “Central Park Towers”;
  • Balneological Resorts Need Advertising – “Tbilisi Balneological SPA Resort”;
  • Musicians Should Have Suitable Venues To Play The Concerts In The Region - "Bravo Records";
  • There Is A Shortage Of Qualified Staff On The Market - "Woodmetal";
  • A New Wine-Gastro Space "Wasserstrasse" Was Opened In The Georgian Market;
  • The winter period is quite difficult for Kazbegi - "Alpine Lounge Hotel & Restaurant";
  • Restaurant "Gala" Was Opened With The Concept Of Galaktioni In Kutaisi;
  • “Lileo Hotel And Winery” Was Opened In Kutaisi;

Natia Taktakishvili - BMG Reporter;

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