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Armenian government to provide scholarships for studying at prestigious foreign universities

Arshaluis Mgdesyan
24.06.24 14:15

The Armenian government plans to provide scholarships to students who are citizens of the country to compensate for tuition fees at prestigious foreign universities as a form of state financial support.

The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports of Armenia has presented the relevant project, which has been published on the unified website for the publication of legal act drafts (E-draft).

Scholarships will be granted to Armenian citizens studying at the top universities worldwide according to the academic ranking on Shanghairanking.com. The list of universities eligible for the scholarship includes institutions ranked between 65 and 75.

To receive the scholarship, students or their future employers must cover at least 50% of the tuition fees. The state scholarship will cover the remaining amount of the tuition fees, but not more than 10 million drams (approximately $25,000) per academic year.

Employers and students must enter into an agreement on financing the education and committing to employment with the employer for at least three years after graduation.

If the student receiving the scholarship does not return to Armenia after graduation, drops out, or transfers to another educational institution, the employer must reimburse the state budget three times the total amount of the scholarship provided.

The justification for the project indicates that in developing the new scholarship policy, research was conducted on the return rates of students who received funding for studying abroad from the "My Step" and "Luys" foundations.

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