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Authorisation Council grants Ilia State University full authorisation

ილიას სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი

The Authorisation Council has granted Ilia State University full authorisation for a six-year period, with no conditions.

In September, Ilia State University appealed the Council’s decision to grant accreditation with a one-year monitoring period.

The University said, although it had passed with high marks all the standards required for accreditation according to the assessment of the accreditation expert group last June, the Accreditation Council decided to change the experts’ high assessments without justification and explanation and to grant the university accreditation under the condition of monitoring it after one year.

Today’s meeting of the Authorization Council was held amid a protest. The protesters said last year’s decision was “a punitive measure and a selective attitude towards the university, since a large part of the university’s students and lecturers do not support the Georgian Dream.”

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