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Trade in Armenia: Key sector of employment in the country

Arshaluis Mgdesyan
02.05.24 15:47

According to data published by the Statistical Committee, in March of the current year, the average monthly nominal wage in Armenia amounted to 307,655 drams ($792 USD).

As per information from bangsnews.am, the average wage in the public sector for March was 213,443 drams ($550), while in the private sector it was 345,621 drams ($890).

In February of the current year, the average monthly nominal wage was 273,425 drams ($704).

Although the Statistical Committee of Armenia has not yet published data on the number of employees by sectors for March, data for February is available. According to this data, the largest number of employees in Armenia are employed in the retail and wholesale trade and automobile repair sector - about 126,000.

Education follows with 124,000 employees, and in third place is the manufacturing industry with approximately 86,000.

The average wage also varies across different sectors. For example, IT specialists and communicators have the highest average salary, at around 890,000 drams ($2,293). In the field of information technology, the average salary reaches 1,107,000 drams.

In second place is the financial and insurance sector with an average salary of 854,000 drams ($2,281), and in third place is the mining industry with an average wage of 471,000 drams ($1,213).

Earlier, BMG reported that in March 2024, Armenia had 741,610 jobs, which is 35,316, or 5%, more than in the same period last year.

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