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We Need More Revenue To Pay Salaries And Reduce Staff Outflow - Hotelier

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We need more income to pay higher salaries and reduce staff outflow from the country, - Hotels' Federation founder Shalva Alaverdashvili told BMGTV.

According to the hotelier, one of the main challenges of the tourism industry is the personnel outflow, which also affects the quality of service. He notes, that the number of tourists should increase in the country so that the private sector can get more income and, accordingly, pay higher salaries.

"Outflow of personnel should be put to an end. This is a problem of the private sector, that is, we should have the opportunity to offer higher salaries to the staff. Wages in our sector have increased by almost 70% compared to 2019 and I would like to be able to pay an employee even more so that people do not think of going abroad because the income is better there. The solution for all this is more tourists," he said, adding that relevant state agencies should work in a more coordinated manner in this direction.

"In particular, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, should raise barriers for tourists", Hotelier added.